Sprint demo
In Mango we work with Scrum and Agile methodology and we are very lucky to have an amazing Scrum Master in the team who is charge of coaching us to better work as a team.
To achieve the best way to work as a team we agreed to work in two-weeks sprints and at the end of each sprint, in what we call Demo Sprint, we show and tell what we finished during the sprint and what we are going to do the following 15 days.
In the Demo Sprint stakeholders are invited and there are 3 main parts:
I do a follow up with data of all features we launched last sprint and tell what we have done during the sprint
Developers screen and tell features developed during the sprint
I tell features we are going to develop during the next sprint
Following this structure helps us to tell what’s going on in the app and be aligned with stakeholders.
Demo Sprint day in Mango
One of the recent feature we showed was the new product detail page (PDP) or product screen. When I joined Mango PDP was divided in two separate screen. The first screen had name, price and images of the product and if you wanted to know more about product like description or composition you had to navigate to a second screen. Checking our data platform and reports, we figured out that conversion rate would increase if the information of a product would be more accessible.
Here’s the old PDP:
And here’s the new one: